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Benz World PhotoBlog

This website began in 2004 to showcase the photography of Jason 'Benz' Bennee as he travelled to a reggae festival in Jamaica then around Cuba. On arriving back in the UK he started sending images to stock photography websites. The next three years were spent adding to stock libraries and building this website. In 2007 he embarked on an adventure through Egypt and Jordan by road, train and ship. Daily images were posted to the Egypt Blog. In 2009 Jason switched to WordPress to allow comments on his images from all over the world. In 2011 Jason moved to Australia and continued posting images to the Benz World Blog every week as he crossed the South coast, then daily posts from Bluesfest in 2015, 2016 and 2017. In 2018 Jason began living on the road in his classic custom van on a perpetual photoshoot of Australia's wild corners. The photoblog became a travel journal, uploaded during his monthly return to civilization. 2018 was spent exploring rainforests on the East coast. 2019 began in Tasmania before crossing the mainland deserts and then producing daily posts from the BWSC between Darwin and Adelaide. In 2020 he rebuilt his van. In 2021 Jason went off-grid. He now produces fossil free photos using a solar roof. In 2022 Jason witnessed the historic return of live music to Bluesfest and posted daily updates from the 5-day festival. In 2023 Jason focused on live music photography. No more air miles are needed as his favourite world-class musicians visit the same corner of paradise every Easter at Byron Bay Bluesfest. In 2024, Jason began adding brief album reviews to shots of upcoming touring bands for anybody who would prefer a human music recommendation instead of an algorithm.

The most popular images for sale at Shutterstock
The latest images for sale at Shutterstock

Stock Photography

Images can be found at five stock agencies. Each agency has images available for high resolution download. There is a guide to stock photography for anyone thinking of giving it a go. Here are links to galleries on each website; 1040 images at Shutterstock, 176 at Adobe Stock, 95 at Dreamstime, 66 at Big Stock, and 59 at iStock by Getty Images.


Latest Pictures

The latest images can be found on the new Benz World Blog. Old Blogs which are no longer updated include; The Stock Blog - Advice on stock photography, The Egypt Blog - Daily entries from the last adventure and The GBPT Blog - Poker Tour and other entries dating back to 2007.

Purchase Prints

If you cannot find what you are looking for in the stock galleries and the photoblog or you would like a print, framed product or high resolution master of any image on this website. Please feel free to email Jason directly at


Free Images

Some of the non-stock images are free-for-non-profit-use. After a few weeks most old blog images are disseminated on the following networks. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram.